St. Pio Parish
The Catholic Communities of St. John and St. Mark
Old Saybrook & Westbrook, CT
Pastoral Staff
Message From Father Greg:
Welcome to St. John in Old Saybrook and St. Mark in Westbrook! Welcome is so often said routinely, but we truly do want all visitors and new parishioners to feel comfortable and wanted in our parish. We want your voice and your heart to share with us when we praise God and thank God for the blessings we have received. We encourage you to take your place in our community and contribute your skills and your enthusiasm as we grow together in the love of God and one another.
We extend a warm welcome to all and invite you to attend our churches. You will find our parish communities a place where your life of faith will be nourished. We invite you to come share your special gifts within the communities of St. John and St. Mark. Your prayers, your presence, and your talents are most welcome.
May God Bless all of us.

Rev. Grzegorz P. Brozonowicz

Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Bovino

Nicholas Iassogna

Thomas Rymut