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Garden Group

"He who plants and he who waters work to the same end. Each will receive his wages in proportion to his toil. We are God's co-workers, while you are his cultivation, his building." (1 Corinthians 3:8)


The Garden Group is responsible for:

  • Maintaining our parish gardens, including planting, watering, weeding, and pruning.

  • Continue landscaping the labyrinth area.

  • Planning and implementing future beautification efforts.

4 good reasons to join are:

  1. Many hands make light work!

  2. This is an easy way to make friends and make a visible difference to our church.

  3. We appreciate and encourage all skill levels - from "green" beginners to master gardeners and landscapers.  We'd love your help.  Even if you can't kneel or don't like to get your hands dirty, you can still help us with planning and/or fundraising.

  4. Enjoy God's gift of Nature.  Pray or meditate while you work.


We invite you to come and find tranquility and relaxation as you spend some time exploring our church, grounds, and labyrinth.



The labyrinth is a sacred symbol that has been used by many cultures and religious traditions throughout the world. Modern labyrinths have only a single path to the center and back, and are not meant to be difficult or confusing. This makes them very helpful for achieving a contemplative state, through prayer, meditation or simple relaxation.


Meeting Times:

3rd Wednesday of each month, 7 to 8:30 pm. All are welcome!

Annual Events (feel free to volunteer with these activities):

Christmas Cookie Sale:

This is our main fundraiser of the year and generally takes place the 2nd weekend in December. 


In past years we have raised the funds needed for: Building and landscaping the Labyrinth; renovating the Blessed Mother area; planting a copper beech tree in front of the Rectory for the 50th anniversary; planting new evergreen trees at the front of the Church; establishing the Woodland Garden (above the Labyrinth); and providing what seems like tons of mulch for the beds.  We also have donated a portion of the Cookie Sale proceeds to St. Mark's Walk With Haiti, the parish general fund and for the new Church sign in front. We'd love more cookie bakers and help with making the cookie platters the day before the sale.  Watch the bulletin for details. 

Spring and Fall Clean-ups: 
These are from 9 am - 12 pm on a Saturday (announced in the bulletin).  The Garden Group and Buildings and Grounds ask volunteers to help to do a seasonal spruce-up of the Church grounds by raking leaves, pruning and picking up fallen branches.



Contact for more information:


St. Mark: (860) 399-9207

Chairperson for St. Mark: Julia Gallicchio





161 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Tel: (860) 388-3787


222 McVeagh Road, Westbrook, CT 06498

Tel: (860) 399-9207

Parishes of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT 


Serving the Communities of Greater Old Saybrook, Westbrook, and

Our Sister Parish, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Port Au Prince, Haiti



 © 2023 St. John & St. Mark Catholic Churches. All Rights Reserved.

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